Welcome to the HV4W!
We hope you enjoy browsing through the site. If you wish to join HV4W, first fill out a guest Application Form, then attend a monthly meeting or ride.
Our next meeting is...
Saturday, Dec 21st 6:50am at
Have a look Inside!
- The Membership link will tell you about joining the Hudson Valley 4 Wheelers.
- The Calendar page shows our rides and activities. After first attending a meeting, prospective members are welcome to join us on most activities.
- The Rigs page lets you see in detail our members off-road vehicles.
- The Gallery pages are various photos of interest.
- If you like what you see, fill out an Application Form and come to the next meeting. The meetings are listed on the Calendar page. We hope to see you there!
- If you wish more information than you see here, use the Contacts page to send an e-mail.
- Thank you for taking the time to give us a look.
Check us out on Instagram!
Check out our instagram at: hudsonvalley4wheelers
HV4Ws help with Beacon Fire Tower...Again!!
It's great to give back to the community. Check out this article thanking us for helping with the Beacon Fire Tower: Fire Tower Article
Northeast Off-Road Adventures on News 12
Check it out. Our beloved friends at NORA get some air time on News 12! Click HERE