The procedure for members to upload photos is as follows...
- A new Gallery for the event will be created by an officer and marked open to all members.
- Display the Gallery as usual, then use the Edit icon (
) in that Gallery.
- In Edit, members will see Photos and Videos tabs.
- Videos tab works as elsewhere on the site, one video at a time via YouTube.
- Photos tab allows selection of up to 10 photos off your computer to upload.
- You do NOT need to resize the photos to as small as displays. The system will do that for you.
- Please choose the best photos you have taken, not all you have taken. Go for quality, not quantity.
- As photos are uploading, an animated 'working' indicator is shown. Be patient.
- After upload is processed, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page.
- You may upload more groups of 10 or less.
- After uploading, you may use the lower section to enter descriptive Captions for your new photos.
- This Gallery is a shared environment. Be careful not to alter or delete any prior photos uploaded by others.
- After a week or so, the Historian will take possession of the Gallery and edit the contents for a nice historical record.
If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact the Historian or the Site Admin.