Club Members Login

Photo Uploading After an Ride or Event

The procedure for members to upload photos is as follows...

  1. A new Gallery for the event will be created by an officer and marked open to all members.
  2. Display the Gallery as usual, then use the Edit icon () in that Gallery.
  3. In Edit, members will see Photos and Videos tabs.
  4. Videos tab works as elsewhere on the site, one video at a time via YouTube.
  5. Photos tab allows selection of up to 10 photos off your computer to upload.
  6. You do NOT need to resize the photos to as small as displays.  The system will do that for you.
  7. Please choose the best photos you have taken, not all you have taken.  Go for quality, not quantity.
  8. As photos are uploading, an animated 'working' indicator is shown.  Be patient.
  9. After upload is processed, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page.
  10. You may upload more groups of 10 or less.
  11. After uploading, you may use the lower section to enter descriptive Captions for your new photos. 
  12. This Gallery is a shared environment.  Be careful not to alter or delete any prior photos uploaded by others.
  13. After a week or so, the Historian will take possession of the Gallery and edit the contents for a nice historical record.

If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact the Historian or the Site Admin.